Gyd myrning 4all

Seven bartenders were asked if they could identify personality based on what drinks were chosen. Though interviewed separately,they concurred on almost all counts. The results:
MEN (as always, very simple and clear cut.)

Cheap Domestic Beer : He's poor and wants to get laid.

Premium Local Beer : He likes good beer and wants to get laid.

Imported Beer : He likes expensive beer and wants to get laid

Guinness : The man is a rapist and will get laid one way or another.

Wine : He's hoping that the wine thing will give him a sophisticated image and help him get laid.

Vodka : Extremely horny hound, would shag a warm scarf. Desperate to get laid.

Whisky : He doesn't give two shits about anything and will hit anyone who will get in his way of getting laid.

Southern Comfort : Not as masculine as the whisky drinker, knows all about feminine activities (knitting, crochet etc.) to weasel himself into getting laid.

Tequila : Piss off, all you wankers, I'm gonna go shag something with a pulse (he's obviously from Barrow-in-Furness or the far North of Scotland)

Barcardi Breezer/Hooch/Malibu : He's gay

Hew a Gud dej

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